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Agenda - 17.1.2022

09:30| Registration
10:30| Opening remarks:

Mr. David Solomon, Chairman Solomon Capital
Mr. Ilan Sztulman, Consul general of Israel in Dubai
Mr. Adiv Baruch, Chairman Israel Export institute

11:00| Keynote speaker: The emirates Eco System & Business Opportunities.
11:30| Keynote speaker: The emirates Eco System & Business Opportunities.
12:00| Coffee break, Networking
12:30| Companies Pith Presentations
13:00| Roundtable: The opportunities and challenges (Cyber, fintech, Agritech, Healthcare, Hospitality)
13:30| Companies Pith Presentations
14:00| Lunch Networking
15:30| Roundtable: How to bridge gaps from experiences players
16:00| Day one closing remarks
19:30| Cocktail Party

*The agenda is Preliminary and tentative, changes might add. 

Top 3 Reasons to Attend

-Quality: only the best speakers have been selected to help you stay ahead of the top trends in the cyber/FinTech sectors.


-B2B meetings with investors, Business People, and governmental officials.


-Inspiration: by collecting ideas and meeting individuals from the industry, you will be inspired to take action and follow the steps to success.


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